Translations and interviews submitted should usually not exceed 10,000 words, including notes, and should adhere to generally accepted academic standards. All submissions should be in the most recent MLA style, and should be in Microsoft Word or a compatible format. Please refer to the ImageTexT website for more information.

Please submit your article with no identifying information (no name, university affiliation, etc.) present on the document. In addition to your article, please submit a cover letter (up to 300 words) and biographical statement (40-80 words). Do not embed images in the text of your article; instead, clearly indicate (along with Figure numbers, citation, and any descriptive labels) where images occur. Images or video should be uploaded in a .zip file. Images should be of the highest possible quality, and be in .png, .gif, or .jpg format.

Authors should adhere to fair use policy when considering images; send only those that are necessary, and as few full pages as possible. Articles should engage elements of visual analysis, the imagetextual relationships in comics, and demonstrate a solid grounding in the theoretical issues relevant to the field.

Articles submitted should usually not exceed 10,000 words, including notes, and should adhere to generally accepted academic standards. All submissions should be in the most recent MLA style, and should be in Microsoft Word or a compatible format. Please refer to the ImageTexT website for more information.

Please submit your article with no identifying information (no name, university affiliation, etc.) present on the document. In addition to your article, please submit a cover letter (up to 300 words) and biographical statement (40-80 words). Do not embed images in the text of your article. In the body of the article where you would like the image to be placed, include the figure number and caption. Images and video should be uploaded in a .zip file. Images should be .png, .gif, or .jpg format of the highest possible quality, each named the corresponding figure number. To create a .zip file, please find Windows instructions here and Mac instructions here

Submissions containing images should be accompanied by a separate document providing alternative text for each image, referenced by figure numbers. This alternative text, which will appear when images do not load or when read by a screen reader, must be concise yet comprehensive enough to convey all necessary information for understanding the article. Further guidance on crafting alt text can be found here. ImageTexT may modify submitted alt text to improve accessibility.

Authors should adhere to fair use policy when considering images; send only those that are necessary, and as few full pages as possible. Articles should engage elements of visual analysis, the imagetextual relationships in comics, and demonstrate a solid grounding in the theoretical issues relevant to the field.

Articles submitted should usually not exceed 10,000 words, including notes, and should adhere to generally accepted academic standards. All submissions should be in the most recent MLA style, and should be in Microsoft Word or a compatible format. Please refer to the ImageTexT website for more information.

Please submit your article with no identifying information (no name, university affiliation, etc.) present on the document. In addition to your article, please submit a cover letter (up to 300 words) and biographical statement (40-80 words). Do not embed images in the text of your article. In the body of the article where you would like the image to be placed, include the figure number and caption. Images and video should be uploaded in a .zip file. Images should be .png, .gif, or .jpg format of the highest possible quality, each named the corresponding figure number. To create a .zip file, please find Windows instructions here and Mac instructions here

Submissions containing images should be accompanied by a separate document providing alternative text for each image, referenced by figure numbers. This alternative text, which will appear when images do not load or when read by a screen reader, must be concise yet comprehensive enough to convey all necessary information for understanding the article. Further guidance on crafting alt text can be found here. ImageTexT may modify submitted alt text to improve accessibility.

Authors should adhere to fair use policy when considering images; send only those that are necessary, and as few full pages as possible. Articles should engage elements of visual analysis, the imagetextual relationships in comics, and demonstrate a solid grounding in the theoretical issues relevant to the field.

The journal welcomes submissions of multimodal projects created by undergraduate students for our “From the Classroom” section. This portion of the journal showcases exemplary pieces of multimodal composition created in undergraduate classes. Submissions could take the form of, but are not limited to, comics and zines, infographics, podcasts, Twine games, and videos.  Instructors or students may submit assignments for consideration.

When submitting your project(s), please include a brief description of the class that you created the project for and the assignment requirements. 

All potential reviewers should first contact ImageTexT at to make sure that ImageTexT is interested in the review and to set a deadline. Reviews should relate to the scholarly study of comics, animation, and of visual rhetoric in general. Non-academic reviews for comics and comic collections will generally not be accepted. However, academically based reviews of comics and graphic works (i.e. reviews that also consider comics scholarship, the history of comics and graphica, comics production, comics and culture, and other such aspects) are encouraged. Reviews are generally between 1,000 - 3,000 words. Reviews should be submitted according to the article submission guidelines (see general submissions tab).

ImageTexT is actively considering professionals and academics within comics and animation studies, visual rhetoric, and related fields for our list of peer reviewers. If you are interested in working with ImageTexT in this capacity, please fill out the fields listed below. 

ImageText, Department of English, University of Florida